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3D Printing with High-Detail Resin

3D Printing in High-Detail Resin

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[progress percentage=”75″ unit=”%” filledcolor=”#469BFF” unfilledcolor=”” striped=”no” animated_stripes=”yes” textcolor=”” class=”” id=””]Speed[/progress]


[one_fourth last=”no”]
[progress percentage=”50″ unit=”%” filledcolor=”#469BFF” unfilledcolor=”” striped=”no” animated_stripes=”yes” textcolor=”” class=”” id=””]Size[/progress]


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[progress percentage=”80″ unit=”%” filledcolor=”#469BFF” unfilledcolor=”” striped=”no” animated_stripes=”yes” textcolor=”” class=”” id=””]Strength[/progress]


[one_fourth last=”yes”]
[progress percentage=”100″ unit=”%” filledcolor=”#469BFF” unfilledcolor=”” striped=”no” animated_stripes=”yes” textcolor=”” class=”” id=””]Detail[/progress]


Used for strong prototypes, functional prints and products, architecture models and more.

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Printing Method: SLA (Stereolithography)

UV-cured resin prints display fine details, sharp edges and a smooth finish. Color availability is limited, but it is easily paintable and can also be semi-translucent.

High-Detail Resin  is ideal for printing intricate designs and sculptures, since as little as 0.2mm is enough to create clearly visible details. Apart from size, resin comes with hardly any design restrictions. Go head and Buy Boat Building Epoxy Resin to create your projects.

Maximum Print Size Minimum Print Size Minimum Wall Thickness Print Resolution
5.7″ x 5.7″ x 6.8″ (145 x 145 x 175 mm) 1″ x 1″ x 1″ (25.4 x 25.4 x 25.4 mm) 0.0157″ (0.4 mm) 0.0393″ (0.1 mm)

Material Characteristics:

Very strong and durable with a matte finish. It is smooth to the touch with nearly invisible striations of vertical build layers

[one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]lookLook: Opaque, smooth, monochromatic. Very small layer striations visible at close range[/one_third]

[one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]feelFeel: Smooth, rigid, glossy Great for strong and functional parts[/one_third]

[one_third last=”yes” class=”” id=””]watertightWatertight? No. While this material is not water tight, it can withstand exposure to water.[/one_third]

[one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]dishwashersafeDishwasher safe? No [/one_third]

[one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]burgersafeFood safe? No. This material should not be used in contact with foodstuffs.[/one_third]

[one_third last=”yes” class=”” id=””]recyclingRecyclable? No.[/one_third]


[pricing_table type=”1″]
[pricing_column title=”Hard Plastic”][pricing_price currency=”$” price=”2.25″ time=”per cc”][/pricing_price][pricing_row]Turnaround time: As little as 24 hours[/pricing_row][pricing_footer]Set-up fee of $10.00[/pricing_footer][/pricing_column]

[pricing_table type=”1″]

[pricing_column title=”Bulk Pricing”][pricing_price currency=”” price=”variable” time=””][/pricing_price][pricing_row]variable pricing for larger, bulk orders[/pricing_row][/pricing_column]

[pricing_column title=”Rush Pricing”][pricing_price currency=”” price=”variable” time=””][/pricing_price][pricing_row]variable pricing for rush orders under 2 business days[/pricing_row][/pricing_column]


Design Rules:

[one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]
Minimum wall thickness (supported walls)


A supported wall is a wall that has connections on both sides, giving it more strength and support.
[one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]
Minimum wall thickness (unsupported wall)


An unsupported wall is a wall with a connection on only one side giving it less strength and support.

[one_third last=”yes” class=”” id=””]
Minimum Embossed/Engraved Detail

0.1 – 0.4mm high and wide

This determines the feature size possible when engraving or embossing within a structure.

[one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]
Minimum Wire Diameter


A wire is an element where the length is more than 2x the width.

[one_third last=”yes” class=”” id=””]
minimum clearance
Minimum Clearance


This is the distance between separate components so that they are not bound together.


Technical Rules for CAD Files:

[one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]
Normals Must All be Unified

In the digital world, any surface will have a front and a back face. This surface orientation is called a “normal”. If two adjacent surfaces have different normal directions, this file input may confuse the 3D printer.
[one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]
Models Must be “Water Tight”

This means that there are no holes in the shell of the model. All vertices for adjacent mesh faces must be connected.
[one_third last=”yes” class=”” id=””]
wall thickness
Components Must Have Minimum Thickness

In order to successfully print and survive post processing, model components must have a minimum wall thickness.

Begin Your 3D Printed Project

If you need any Plastic Materials then click for info on how to contact a supplier.

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