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3D Printing with Hard Plastic

3D Printing in Hard Plastic


[one_fourth last=”no”]absexamplesmall[/one_fourth]

[one_fourth last=”no”]absexample3small[/one_fourth]

[one_fourth last=”no”]absexample2small[/one_fourth]

[one_fourth last=”yes”]absexample4small[/one_fourth]

[one_fourth last=”no”]

[progress percentage=”50″ unit=”%” filledcolor=”#469BFF” unfilledcolor=”” striped=”no” animated_stripes=”yes” textcolor=”” class=”” id=””]Speed[/progress]


[one_fourth last=”no”]
[progress percentage=”66″ unit=”%” filledcolor=”#469BFF” unfilledcolor=”” striped=”no” animated_stripes=”yes” textcolor=”” class=”” id=””]Size[/progress]


[one_fourth last=”no”]
[progress percentage=”100″ unit=”%” filledcolor=”#469BFF” unfilledcolor=”” striped=”no” animated_stripes=”yes” textcolor=”” class=”” id=””]Strength[/progress]


[one_fourth last=”yes”]
[progress percentage=”66″ unit=”%” filledcolor=”#469BFF” unfilledcolor=”” striped=”no” animated_stripes=”yes” textcolor=”” class=”” id=””]Detail[/progress]


Used For: strong prototypes, functional prints and products, architecture models and more.

[button link=”/contact-us-3D-printing” color=”custom” size=”xlarge” type=”flat” shape=”round” target=”_self” title=”” gradient_colors=”#FE5943″ gradient_hover_colors=”#BE4232″ accent_color=”rgba(255,255,255,.7)” accent_hover_color=”rgba(255,255,255,.8)” bevel_color=”” border_width=”0px” shadow=”no” icon=”” icon_divider=”yes” icon_position=”left” modal=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”up” animation_speed=”1″ class=”” id=””]Request a Hard Plastic 3D Print[/button]

Printing Method: FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling)

The 3D Printing method for our Strong ABS Plastic Material is FDM, or Fused Deposition Modeling. This method uses an extruder head on a gantry to melt spools of thermoplastics while following paths one vertical layer at a time. For overhangs or undercuts in the geometry, a secondary dissolvable support structure is laid down so that the plastic material can be laid down each layer.

Maximum Print Size Minimum Print Size Minimum Wall Thickness Print Resolution
6″ x 6″ x 8″ (152 x 152 x 203 mm) 1″ x 1″ x 1″ (25.4 x 25.4 x 25.4 mm) .09″ (2.3mm) .010″ (0.254mm)

Material Characteristics:

Very Strong and durable with a plastic gloss. It is smooth to the touch with slightly visible striations of vertical build layers

[one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]lookLook: Opaque, smooth, monochromatic. Very small layer striations visible at close range[/one_third]

[one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]feelFeel: smooth, rigid, glossy Great for strong and functional parts[/one_third]

[one_third last=”yes” class=”” id=””]watertightWatertight?: No. While this material is not water tight, it can withstand exposure to water.[/one_third]

[one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]dishwashersafeDishwasher safe?: Yes [/one_third]

[one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]burgersafeFood safe?: No. This material should not be used in contact with foodstuffs.[/one_third]

[one_third last=”yes” class=”” id=””]recyclingRecyclable?: No.[/one_third]


[pricing_table type=”1″]
[pricing_column title=”Hard Plastic”][pricing_price currency=”$” price=”1.25″ time=”per cc”][/pricing_price][pricing_row]Turnaround time: 2-4 business days[/pricing_row][pricing_footer]Set-up fee of $10.00[/pricing_footer][/pricing_column]

[pricing_table type=”1″]

[pricing_column title=”Bulk Pricing”][pricing_price currency=”” price=”variable” time=””][/pricing_price][pricing_row]variable pricing for larger, bulk orders[/pricing_row][/pricing_column]

[pricing_column title=”Rush Pricing”][pricing_price currency=”” price=”variable” time=””][/pricing_price][pricing_row]variable pricing for rush orders under 2 business days[/pricing_row][/pricing_column]


Design Rules:

[one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]
Minimum wall thickness (supported walls)


A supported wall is a wall that has connections on both sides, giving it more strength and support.
[one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]
Minimum wall thickness (unsupported wall)


An unsupported wall is a wall with a connection on only one side giving it less strength and support.

[one_third last=”yes” class=”” id=””]
Minimum Embossed/Engraved Detail

.5mm high and wide

This determines the feature size possible when engraving or embossing within a structure.

[one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]
Minimum Wire Diameter


A wire is an element where the length is more than 2x the width.

[one_third last=”yes” class=”” id=””]
minimum clearance
Minimum Clearance


This is the distance between separate components so that they are not bound together.


Technical Rules:

[one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]
Normals Must All be Unified

In the digital world, any surface will have a front and a back face. This surface orientation is called a “normal”. If two adjacent surfaces have different normal directions, this file input may confuse the 3D printer.
[one_third last=”no” class=”” id=””]
Models Must be “Water Tight”

This means that there are no holes in the shell of the model. All vertices for adjacent mesh faces must be connected.
[one_third last=”yes” class=”” id=””]
wall thickness
Components Must Have Minimum Thickness

In order to successfully print and survive post processing, model components must have a minimum wall thickness.

[button link=”/contact-us-3D-printing” color=”custom” size=”xlarge” type=”flat” shape=”round” target=”_self” title=”” gradient_colors=”#FE5943″ gradient_hover_colors=”#BE4232″ accent_color=”rgba(255,255,255,.7)” accent_hover_color=”rgba(255,255,255,.8)” bevel_color=”” border_width=”0px” shadow=”no” icon=”” icon_divider=”yes” icon_position=”left” modal=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”up” animation_speed=”1″ class=”” id=””]Begin your 3D Printing Project[/button]

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