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3D Printing for Product Design

3D Printing for Product Design

3D Printing is an exception method for rapidly prototyping new product designs to test for look and feel, and evolve your designs to a final and satisfactory place. Make Mode has worked with many product designers, industrial engineers, and entrepreneurs to help develop and prototype unique product designs across many industries.

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3d printed wrench


Create functional prototypes to test fit, form, or function. Our ABS plastic 3d printer has dissolvable supports, allowing for the production of fully assembled products with moving parts. (Including this adjustable wrench.)


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3d printed iphone case

Iterative Design

Our quick turnaround and focus on the NYC community is specifically geared to help designers iterate quickly. Continue to tweak and test products without having to wait for shipping of 3d prints.


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presentation model

Full Color Presentation Models

Our Projet 660 powder based printer can print in full CMYK color, making it great for presentation models. Let clients understand the look and feel of a product quickly and easily.


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3D Printing Materials

ABS Plastic Using: Uprint SE plus for strong and functional parts. Print in solid colors.

Gypsum Powder/ Full Color Sandstone Using: Projet 660 for full color parts and complex geometries.

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  • Tell your story in three dimensions
  • Talented designers on staff
  • Local studio with speedy turnaround
  • Transparent pricing


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Learn about our 3D printing rates. We offer competitive, transparent pricing on all of our 3d printing services.

[button link=”/contact-us-3D-printing” color=”custom” size=”xlarge” type=”flat” shape=”round” target=”_self” title=”” gradient_colors=”#FE5943″ gradient_hover_colors=”#BE4232″ accent_color=”rgba(255,255,255,.7)” accent_hover_color=”rgba(255,255,255,.8)” bevel_color=”” border_width=”0px” shadow=”no” icon=”” icon_divider=”yes” icon_position=”left” modal=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”up” animation_speed=”1″ class=”” id=””]Begin your 3D Printing Project[/button]

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