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3D Printing Gallery

3D Printing Gallery

View 3D Printing applications and examples from different disciplines and creative fields.

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3D Printing for Creative Agencies

Create weird and wonderful, highly customized objects. Explore options for creating one-off or low volume props, proofs of concept, or branded objects for events and gifts. Learn more about 3D printing for creative agencies.


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3D Printing for Architecture

View 3D printing applications for creating high resolution and complex architectural models. Conceptual and presentation models for mid to large sized firms, students, and everyone in between. Learn more about 3D printing for architecture.

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3D Printing for Product Design

Make functional prototypes for iteration or presentation purposes. Learn more about 3d printing for product design.

[button link=”/contact-us-3d-printing” color=”custom” size=”xlarge” type=”flat” shape=”round” target=”_self” title=”” gradient_colors=”#FE5943″ gradient_hover_colors=”#BE4232″ accent_color=”rgba(255,255,255,.7)” accent_hover_color=”rgba(255,255,255,.8)” bevel_color=”” border_width=”0px” shadow=”no” icon=”” icon_divider=”yes” icon_position=”left” modal=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”up” animation_speed=”1″ class=”” id=””]Begin Your 3D Printing Project[/button]

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